ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | A critical analysis of Kalidasa's poetic style and writing from his poetical works Yeshpal Pages: 447-450 | 3923 Views 2597 Downloads Subject: Literature | Country: India | Literature | India |
2 | A study of self-concept of B.Ed. and special B.T.C. prospective teachers Amita Maheshwari Pages: 451-453 | 1757 Views 267 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
3 | Interest in English Language Learning of Higher Secondary School Students V Ambedkar Pages: 459-461 | 1407 Views 97 Downloads Subject: V Ambedkar | Country: India | V Ambedkar | India |
4 | A study on stability results for stochastic nonlinear systems of difference equations M Reni Sagayaraj, P Manoharan Pages: 462-465 | 1369 Views 95 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
5 | B3-Graphs and its application Banamali Nath, Bichitra Kalita, Bhaben Ch Kalita Pages: 466-470 | 1416 Views 122 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
6 | Studying the professional direction in future Defectologists DB Yakubjanovа Pages: 471-474 | 1525 Views 106 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: Uzbekistan | Education | Uzbekistan |
7 | Willingness to pay for watershed protection by domestic water users in Gondar town, Ethiopia Yibeltal Walle Pages: 475-484 | 1480 Views 142 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: Ethiopia | Economics | Ethiopia |
8 | Mergers in service sectors: Post merger financial analysis of ICICI bank Simranjeet Singh Pages: 485-488 | 1796 Views 214 Downloads Subject: Finance | Country: India | Finance | India |
9 | Bioflocs: A novel bioformulation of PGPR cells with higher degree of stress tolerance R Kalaiarasi, S Dinakar Pages: 489-493 | 1608 Views 168 Downloads Subject: Life Science | Country: India | Life Science | India |
10 | Modeling and analysis of a biological population: effects of industrilization, toxicants emitted from external sources as well as formed by precursors Shalini Sharma Pages: 494-500 | 1033 Views 95 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India |