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International Journal of Applied Research
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 1, Issue 10, Part K (2015)

Pancytopenia-An Evaluation

Pancytopenia-An Evaluation

Diguvinti Sreeramulu, S Laxmibai, Damam Srinivasulu, MSohail Malik
Objectives: A prospective study, to evaluation and establish the underlying cause of pancytopenia. Materials and Methods: A total of 12 cases of pancytopenia were analyzed over a period of six months. All patients who presented with pallor, fever, generalized weakness, and exertional breathlessness were subjected to complete hemogram and were included in the study based upon the laboratory results. Pancytopenia refers to the combination of anaemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia. It may be due to reduced production of blood cells as a consequence of bone marrow suppression or infiltration, or there may be peripheral destruction or splenic pooling of mature cells Pancytopenia is a reduction in all the three cellular elements of blood; exists in adult when the hemoglobin level is less than 10g/dL, total leukocyte count is less than 4x109 /L, and platelet count is less than 150x109 /L [1]. A detailed history and clinical examination was carried out in each case and the relevant information was noted in a proforma. Bone marrow aspiration was performed using Salah’s bone marrow aspiration needle from the iliac crest or sternum. A full blood count was done, peripheral smear and reticulocyte count was also performed in each case. Bone marrow smears were stained with Leishman, Giemsa and iron stain wherever necessary. Results: All patients presented with pallor. Other complaints are fever, generalized weakness, and breathlessness in descending order. The youngest patient being 15yrs old and the oldest patient 60yr old. M: F ratio being 3:2 showing the higher prevalence of the disease in male than in female. Majority of the patients fall in the middle class of socioeconomic group. The most common cause of pancytopenia as revealed by bone marrow was Megaloblastic anemia. Conclusion: Megaloblastic anemia and Aplastic anemia are the common causes of pancytopenia. M: F ratio being 2:3. Majority of the patients fall under the age group of 26-35yrs and in the middle class of socioeconomic group.
Pages: 744-746  |  1367 Views  113 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Diguvinti Sreeramulu, S Laxmibai, Damam Srinivasulu, MSohail Malik. Pancytopenia-An Evaluation. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(10):744-746.
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