Vol. 1, Issue 11, Part I (2015)
A pre–experimental study to assess the effect of administration of pomegranate juice among pre-hypertensive men and women aged between 25-45
A pre–experimental study to assess the effect of administration of pomegranate juice among pre-hypertensive men and women aged between 25-45
Anoop Masih Sandhu, Akoijam Mamata Devi
Hypertension sometimes arterial hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. Different therapeutic approaches are used among pre-hypertensive individuals to decrease the blood pressure such as yoga, meditations, divertional therapies and medicated nutritional supplements which include pomegranate juice administration. The Pomegranate is considered one of the alternative therapies for the treatment of hypertension. Pre-experimental one group pre testpost test only design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of pomegranate juice among pre hypertensive men and women aged between 25-45 years residing in village Kaleran. A purposive sampling was done to obtain sample 30.The first part of the tool was used to collect 9 items for obtaining information about the selected background factor such as age, sex, type of family, education, income, occupation, dietary pattern, habits, disease. Second part consist of observation sheet for screening of pre-hypertensive men and women aged between 25-45 years and observation sheet for evaluating the effectiveness of administration of pomegranate juice on pre-hypertensive patient by using sphygmomanometer. The data obtained is analyzed in terms of objective of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that majority of pre hypertensive patients 10(33.34%) belonged to the age group 31-35 years and majority i.e. 16 (53.34%) of the subjects were males and maximum i.e.10 (33.34%) of patients were illiterate. Maximum i.e. 10(33.34%) of subjects were in private job. Majority of mean blood pressure readings in pretest was 131/83 mmHg and standard deviations was 4.59. But in posttest, mean blood pressure readings was 125/79 mmHg and standard deviation was 4.21.It means that blood pressure readings were decreased after the administration of pomegranate juice.
How to cite this article:
Anoop Masih Sandhu, Akoijam Mamata Devi. A pre–experimental study to assess the effect of administration of pomegranate juice among pre-hypertensive men and women aged between 25-45. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(11):597-601.