ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Association of helicobacter pylori with acid peptic disease Dr. Shreesh Kolekar, Dr. Neetin R Nangare and Dr. AP Patange Pages: 1102-1104 | 665 Views 95 Downloads Subject: Gastroenterology | Country: India | Gastroenterology | India |
2 | Ultrasonographic evaluation of first trimester P.V. bleeding and its co-relation to clinical findings Dr. RP Patange and Dr. Manisha M Laddad Pages: 1105-1107 | 660 Views 103 Downloads Subject: Gynaecology | Country: India | Gynaecology | India |
3 | Concurrent chemoradiation in locally advance carcinoma cervix (Figo stage IIB tO IVA) Dr. Manisha M Laddad, Dr. RP Patange and Dr. SS Patil Pages: 1108-1111 | 684 Views 107 Downloads Subject: Dermatology | Country: India | Dermatology | India |
4 | A study of urinary uric acid level in preterm neonates Dr. VR Potdar and Dr. MN Karanjkar Pages: 1112-1114 | 631 Views 107 Downloads Subject: Gastroenterology | Country: India | Gastroenterology | India |
5 | Toluidine blue staining for detection of malignancy of oral cavity leukoplakia Dr. AM Shah and Dr. MB Bagawan Pages: 1115-1118 | 664 Views 113 Downloads Subject: Dental | Country: India | Dental | India |
6 | Prom at and beyond 34 weeks of gestation: Comparative study of immediate induction using prostaglandin PGE2 gel versus oxytocin Dr. PA Havale, Dr. Archna Rokde and Sanjay N Jadhav Pages: 1119-1121 | 643 Views 112 Downloads Subject: Gastroenterology | Country: India | Gastroenterology | India |
7 | Role of urinary calcium to urinary creatinine ratio in prediction of preeclampsia Dr. Mrs. YS Patil, Dr. MM Ladded and Dr. PA Havale Pages: 1122-1124 | 649 Views 108 Downloads Subject: Gynaecology | Country: India | Gynaecology | India |
8 | बौद्ध धर्म का उद्भव एवं भारत के बाहर प्रसार राजेश कुमार Pages: 1125-1127 | 342 Views 164 Downloads Subject: इतिहास | Country: India | इतिहास | India |
9 | Socio economic impact of Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation (A corporate non-government organisation) in Bharatpur District Dr. Reeta Gupta Pages: 1128-1132 | 587 Views 102 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
10 | An empirical re-examination of the weak form efficient markets hypothesis of the Indian stock market using Q statistic Dr. Neelam Gupta Pages: 1133-1137 | 375 Views 126 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
11 | Investigation on limb and finger regenerative ability in mice after amputation through various proximo distal level at prenatal stage using embryo-culture technique Dr. Archana Khandelwal Pages: 1138-1141 | 377 Views 98 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
12 | हिन्दी भाषा की उत्त्पति और विकास डाॅ. सुशील निम्बाक Pages: 1142-1143 | 190 Views 98 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
13 | राजस्थानी चित्रशैली में अंकित चित्रांकनों में लौकिक संस्कृति-एक समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन डाॅ. सुशील निम्बार्क Pages: 1144-1145 | 187 Views 112 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
14 | Analytical study on the effect of anxiety among the male handball players Dr. Babulal Sadashiv Dhotre Pages: 1146-1148 | 345 Views 87 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
15 | An overview of farm size and productivity in Indian agriculture Harpreet Singh Pages: 1149-1152 | 325 Views 133 Downloads Subject: Economics | Country: India | Economics | India |
16 | Correlative evaluation study of Desarda's tissue-based repair technique and Lichtenstein mesh hernioplasty in treatment of inguinal hernia Dr. I Rajendra Mohan and Dr. Kotapati Sricharan Pages: 1153-1157 | 180 Views 53 Downloads Subject: General Surgery | Country: India | General Surgery | India |
17 | बौद्ध परम्परा में चारिका का महत्त्व एवं उद्देश्य डा० ब्रजभूषण प्रसाद सिंह Pages: 1158-1161 | 89 Views 36 Downloads Subject: Lecturer | Country: India | Lecturer | India |