Vol. 1, Issue 11, Part P (2015)
A study of urinary uric acid level in preterm neonates
A study of urinary uric acid level in preterm neonates
Dr. VR Potdar and Dr. MN Karanjkar
Aim: done to find out the reference range of urinary uric acid in term and preterm neonates appropriate for their gestational age. Material and method: Male infants predominated because of the difficulty of collecting urinary specimens in the females. In females urine samples often get lost or were inaccurate with respect to volume and timing. Disposable urine collectors were used. Gestation was assessed by maternal menstrual history and ultrasound scan. The newborn was under constant supervision. Three spot samples were collected from each newborn (i.e. total of 120 samples) few hrs apart (on the basis of as and when urine passed) within 24 hrs of delivery and analyzed in the biochemistry laboratory in the hospital immediately. After collection, urine sample were frozen at -20C until further analysis. Spot single urine samples were considered. Urinary uric acid was estimated in auto-analyzer (model ERBA XL600) by spectrophotometric uricase method. Preparation of reagent by pouring the content of bottle of L2 (enzyme reagent ) into bottle of L1 (buffer reagent).this working reagent is stable for at least 4 weeks when stored at 2-8ºC upon storage the working reagent may develop a slight pink colour however this does not affect the performance of the reagent. Result: Statistical analysis was carried out by using unpaired sample `t‟ test and p value of <0.001 was taken significant, n is sample size. The most significant difference found in this study, is mean urinary uric acid level was found significantly higher in normal appropriate for gestational age preterm infants than term babies on day one of their life. Conclusion: there was hardly any variation in the uric acid levels in three different urine samples collected several hours apart. This shows that only spot sample was taken as a reference value and can be compared with that of the patients.
How to cite this article:
Dr. VR Potdar, Dr. MN Karanjkar. A study of urinary uric acid level in preterm neonates. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(11):1112-1114.