Vol. 1, Issue 3, Part A (2015)
AFractional brownian motion and fractal analysis of brain mri images: A review
AFractional brownian motion and fractal analysis of brain mri images: A review
Gokilavani Chinnasamy, Vanitha S
Each and every particle in this world is moving in random and it is impossible to find the motion of such particles. In short, motion of such particles is uncertain. This uncertain movement can be seen in particles ranging from simple atoms to the complex biological cells and tissues in human brain and other human organs. This random motion has been analyzed by various researchers and this is being considered very important in the field of science and technology. This paper aims at providing the concept of Brownian motion and fractional Brownian motion. And also, fractal analysis of brain MRI images is also discussed since the brain MRI images are easily affected by this fractional Brownian motion.
How to cite this article:
Gokilavani Chinnasamy, Vanitha S. AFractional brownian motion and fractal analysis of brain mri images: A review. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(3):21-24.