Vol. 1, Issue 7, Part D (2015)
Bilateral Coloboma of iris with posterior subluxation of lens in right eye – A case report and review of literature
Bilateral Coloboma of iris with posterior subluxation of lens in right eye – A case report and review of literature
M. Vijaya Leela
A 45yr male, presented with defective vision of both eyes since one and half year, which has progressed gradually. Patient developed pain, redness, watering in right eye since one month. On examination of right eye, cornea was hazy, there was a coloboma of iris inferiorly and cataractous lens was subluxated posteriorly, fundus view is not possible.
How to cite this article:
M. Vijaya Leela. Bilateral Coloboma of iris with posterior subluxation of lens in right eye – A case report and review of literature. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(7):179-180.