Vol. 1, Issue 9, Part L (2015)
Policies and recommendations of women education in the context of modern Indian History
Policies and recommendations of women education in the context of modern Indian History
Sampa Barman
Indian constitution guarantees equal rights to men and women. Articles 14, 15 and 16 of part III of our constitution guarantee right to equality, but this constitution and articles are only bookies not practical. We found women confined to the narrow four-walls of the home to ancient period to modern period. But time to time this picture slowly change, because different policies, recommendations like educational commission of 1881-82,Radhakrishnan commission 1948-49,Mudalior commission 1952-53 Kothari commission 1964-66.The National Education Policies (1968, 1986) have strongly recommended the need for spreading education among girls. Indian Government take different developmental Schemes and Programmes for women-Kanya Vidya Dhan Yojna, Kasturba Gandhi Education Plan, Baalika Samriddhi Yojna, Girls Empowerment Scheme, Women Reservation Bill, National Women’s Commission etc. This policies and Schemes, Programmes helps us to find out different ways development and empowerment of women.2013 state that 19% increase in girls enrolment over 2002 total enrolment. This statistics is hope full for us, so here I can totally focus my topic is Policies and Recommendations of Women Education in the context of modern Indian History.
How to cite this article:
Sampa Barman. Policies and recommendations of women education in the context of modern Indian History. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(9):786-788.