Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part B (2016)
Design and stress analysis of disc wheel using FEA
Design and stress analysis of disc wheel using FEA
Y Ravi Kishore, P Mahesh Babu
Each single system has been studied and developed in order to meet safety requirement. Instead of having air bag, good suspension systems, good handling and safe cornering, there is one most critical system in the vehicle which is brake systems. Without brake system in the vehicle will put a passenger in unsafe position. Therefore, it is must for all vehicles to have proper brake system. The disc brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel. Repetitive braking of the vehicle leads to heat generation during each braking event. Thermal and Structural Analysis of the Rotor Disc of Disk Brake is aimed at evaluating the performance of disc brake rotor of a car under severe braking conditions and there by assist in disc rotor design and analysis. Disc brake model and analysis is done using ANSYS 14.5. The main purpose of this study is to analysis the thermo mechanical behavior of the dry contact of the brake disc during the braking phase. The coupled thermal-structural analysis is used to determine the deformation and the Von Mises stress established in the disc for the both solid and ventilated disc with two different materials to enhance performance of the rotor disc. A comparison between analytical and results obtained from FEM is done and all the values obtained from the analysis are less than their allowable values. Hence best suitable design, material and rotor disc is suggested based on the performance, strength and rigidity criteria.
How to cite this article:
Y Ravi Kishore, P Mahesh Babu. Design and stress analysis of disc wheel using FEA. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):106-109.