Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part E (2016)
Variation of renal artery on the left side - A case report
Variation of renal artery on the left side - A case report
Smita Patra, Swagatika Pradhan, Dibya Bara, Chinmayi Mohapatra
Recently, laparoscopic surgeries and renal transplantations are gaining wide popularity and it has become mandatory for every clinician to be aware of the renal vascular anomalies. The anatomical knowledge of accessory renal arteries is very essential before performing any transplantation surgeries, where microvascular techniques are employed to reconstruct renal arteries, as the accessory renal arteries are end arteries. Prior to any surgical intervention renal angiogram is mandatory. The evaluation of renal angiograms will be difficult unless we know the anatomical variations. Considering the increasing incidence of accessory renal arteries, the anatomical knowledge of such may be important for academic, surgical as well as radiological procedures and the present study is a humble effort to highlight the same. With the increasing demand for kidney transplantation, living donor grafts have become the major source for maintaining the donor pool and successful allograft with double renal artery has become a necessity. Thus the variations observed in the current observation present a unique pattern of congenital renal vascular variants having surgical and radiological importance.
How to cite this article:
Smita Patra, Swagatika Pradhan, Dibya Bara, Chinmayi Mohapatra. Variation of renal artery on the left side - A case report. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):284-285.