ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | xka/khoknh fopkj/kkjk ls izHkkfor fgUnh ukVd Lkqeu Pages: 338-340 | 438 Views 253 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
2 | ^egkHkkst^ nfyr psruk dk mRd’kZd Lkqeu Pages: 341-344 | 719 Views 549 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
3 | Folate biosynthesis, E. coli mutants and pregnant women – An approach in favour of conservation of biodiversity Dr. Partha Majumder, Dr. Sufal Halder Pages: 345-347 | 1404 Views 179 Downloads Subject: Biomedical | Country: India | Biomedical | India |
4 | Ear morphometry on Indian Americans and its clinical importance Chakravarthy Marx Sadacharan Pages: 348-353 | 1454 Views 150 Downloads Subject: Medicine | Country: West Indies | Medicine | West Indies |
5 | Effect of rhythmic handgrip exercise on cardiovascular system in otherwise healthy obese subjects Pramita Dubey, Sunita Tiwari, Manish Bajpai, Kalpana Singh, Praveen Jha Pages: 354-358 | 1445 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Physiology | Country: India | Physiology | India |
6 | A comparative study of an emotional maturity of undergraduate & postgraduate students Dr. Sarita, Kavita, Sonam Pages: 359-361 | 1654 Views 314 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
7 | An experimental investigation on the properties of concrete containing manufactured sand & GGBS Dr. T Suresh Babu, M Anveshkumar Pages: 362-369 | 1403 Views 199 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
8 | tSu lkfgR;&ijEijk vkSj izo`fRr;ka MkW- fâ€konRr “kekZ Pages: 370-372 | 6059 Views 5907 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
9 | Assessment of underground water quality around Atarra region district Banda (U.P.) Dr. Pankaja Sharma Pages: 373-376 | 2320 Views 175 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
10 | latho dh jpukRed dgkfu;ksa esa Hkk’kk&f”kYi MkW- oUnuk frokjh Pages: 377-381 | 1079 Views 867 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
11 | ;”kiky ds miU;klksa esa foLFkkiu dh ihM+k MkW- jktdqekj ukbd, oanuk jkuh, MkW- jes”k dqekj Pages: 382-384 | 405 Views 257 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
12 | ubZ dgkuh esa fpf=r jktuhfrd ifjn`”; nhiokyh Pages: 385-387 | 276 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
13 | आधुनिक कला का विकास दर्शन डाॅ. दीपक भारद्धाज Pages: 388-389 | 1029 Views 208 Downloads Subject: हिन्दी | Country: India | हिन्दी | India |
14 | संस्कृत की संवैधानिक स्थिति डॉ. सर्वजीत दुबे Pages: 390-394 | 388 Views 148 Downloads Subject: संस्कृत | Country: India | संस्कृत | India |