Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part K (2016)
Effect of PGPR with ACC- Deaminase activity on growth performance of wheat cultivated under stress conditions
Effect of PGPR with ACC- Deaminase activity on growth performance of wheat cultivated under stress conditions
AM Pande, Kulkarni NS, MG Bodhankar
In India, the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra is occupied with wide range of land under hyper salinity condition and drought. Plant growth and total agro productivity is adversely affected by the environmental stress condition. The crop plant with the tolerance to stress condition is an emergent regional need, to conserve the decrease in crop yield potential. Hence, the research is focused on the effect of PGPR with ACC Deaminase activity on growth performance of wheat cultivated under stress conditions. The wheat c.v.lok-1 treated separately with six strains of PGPR containing ACC Deaminase and cultivated in randomized block design in an artificially generated saline plots with water stress, the plant growth response was evaluated by comparing with un-inoculated control, at Germination, Root-Shoot Growth, & Seedling Vigor up to grand period up to 45 DAS. The results revealed that all the six isolates exhibited a significant increase in Germination; Root-Shoot Length & Vigor Index over uninoculated control. The study indicates the possible use of PGPR containing ACC deaminase to conserve losses, in wheat growth and total agro productivity in environmental stress condition.
How to cite this article:
AM Pande, Kulkarni NS, MG Bodhankar. Effect of PGPR with ACC- Deaminase activity on growth performance of wheat cultivated under stress conditions. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(1):723-726.