ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Health risk behaviors among university students in Qassim, KSA Hanan Mohamed Mohamed Tork, Taghreed Rasheed Al-Jalout Pages: 759-765 | 1477 Views 134 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: Saudi Arabia | Nursing | Saudi Arabia |
2 | Employees view on implementation of CRM systems at commercial banks Dr. K Ganesamurthy Pages: 766-770 | 1446 Views 121 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
3 | Study of correlation between hand circumference and maximum grip strength (MGS) Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Hardika Upadhyay, Dr. JM Jadeja, Dr. Neeta Mehta Pages: 771-773 | 1578 Views 251 Downloads Subject: Physiology | Country: India | Physiology | India |
4 | Role of education in women empowerment a sociological study of the women Professors of Gwalior city M.P. India Parvaiz Yousuf, Nasir Ahmad Wani Pages: 774-776 | 1898 Views 296 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
5 | Assessment of knowledge of school teachers regarding epilepsy Vinay Kumari, Maya Patlia Pages: 777-780 | 1444 Views 181 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
6 | Implementation of fault tolerant soft processor on FPGA Sonal Sarode, AS Patil Pages: 781-784 | 1490 Views 157 Downloads Subject: Engineering | Country: India | Engineering | India |
7 | Existing cattle feeding practices in Puducherry region Tamizhkumaran J, Raghy Radhakrishnan Pages: 785-786 | 1426 Views 151 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
8 | Mathematics anxiety among secondary school students in relation to gender and parental education Ruchi Srivastava, Dr. Ali Imam, Gyan Pratap Singh Pages: 787-790 | 1721 Views 271 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
9 | Mutual Agreement Procedure in India Jabiulla Pages: 791-796 | 1630 Views 200 Downloads Subject: Commerce | Country: India | Commerce | India |
10 | A study on problem solving ability in mathematics of IX standard students in Dindigul district Senthamarai Kannan B, Sivapragasam C, Senthilkumar R Pages: 797-799 | 2092 Views 537 Downloads Subject: Mathematics | Country: India | Mathematics | India |
11 | Beginning of formal school and its impact on indigenous system of knowledge in Colonial India during 1880’s-1940’s Radhika Mishra Pages: 800-802 | 1438 Views 118 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
12 | Higher education and strategies to promote it Souvik Sarkar Pages: 803-805 | 1378 Views 143 Downloads Subject: Management | Country: India | Management | India |
13 | Effect of yoga exercise on stress and anxiety on Indian adolescents Dhanraj Vaijinathrao and Dr. Riyajudeen Pages: 806-808 | 1316 Views 204 Downloads Subject: Physical Education | Country: India | Physical Education | India |
14 | Mitigation of greenhouse gases through instillation of biogas plants in rural area: A case study in South Karnataka, India Dr. Kumar Pages: 809-812 | 878 Views 119 Downloads Subject: Zoology | Country: India | Zoology | India |
15 | Global warming: Causes, properties and resolutions Shadia Said Ali Krair Pages: 813-818 | 816 Views 142 Downloads Subject: Ecology | Country: Libya | Ecology | Libya |
16 | अयनांशविचारः राघवेन्द्रमिश्रः Pages: 819-822 | 254 Views 124 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
17 | लोकसेवकों में भ्रष्टाचार की समस्या नीतु गौरव Pages: 823-824 | 698 Views 120 Downloads Subject: Social Science | Country: India | Social Science | India |
18 | 1947 ई. की भारत छोड़ों आंदोलन में समानांतर सरकार मो॰ मोकर्रम अली Pages: 825-827 | 903 Views 128 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
19 | धातूपसर्गसाधनसम्बन्ध-समीक्षा डॅा. परमेश्वर साहु Pages: 828-830 | 266 Views 123 Downloads Subject: Sanskrit | Country: India | Sanskrit | India |
20 | संस्कारों का आधार-गर्भाधान संस्कार डाॅ० अशोक कुमार Pages: 831-834 | 459 Views 340 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
21 | Investigation of magnetoresistance measurements in the evaluation of transferred electron device Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Pages: 835-839 | 656 Views 95 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: India | Chemistry | India |
22 | ऐतिहासिक परिप्रेक्ष्य में राजा राममोहन राय का जीवन-दर्शन डाॅ. प्रिय अशोक Pages: 840-841 | 770 Views 150 Downloads Subject: History | Country: India | History | India |
23 | Synthesis and antifungal activity of some naphthalene Irfan Ahmad Siddique Pages: 842-844 | 704 Views 111 Downloads Subject: | Country: India | India | |
24 | Analysis of some amino acid analogues of diclofenac as prodrugs Kamini Kumari Pages: 845-848 | 658 Views 115 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: India | Chemistry | India |
25 | A study of evaluations of women and female child in rural areas of Madhubani district Kumari Rajni Pages: 849-850 | 668 Views 95 Downloads Subject: Home Science | Country: India | Home Science | India |
26 | काव्य हेतु डाॅ. तीर्थानन्द मिश्र Pages: 851-853 | 2576 Views 2432 Downloads Subject: Hindi | Country: India | Hindi | India |
27 | Depression among educated youths regarding personality and social factors Shaheen Hussain Pages: 854-857 | 665 Views 81 Downloads Subject: Sociology | Country: India | Sociology | India |
28 | अविमारकम् में प्रयुक्त कृत्य प्रत्ययान्तों का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन डाॅ॰ रामपाल Pages: 858-859 | 276 Views 133 Downloads Subject: संस्कृत | Country: India | संस्कृत | India |
29 | मानव जीवन में शिक्षा का महत्त्व डाॅ0 वीणा कुमारी Pages: 860-861 | 513 Views 369 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |
30 | Study of biological profile of metal and azo-metal complexes of embelin Sateydeo Singh Pages: 862-865 | 685 Views 118 Downloads Subject: Chemistry | Country: India | Chemistry | India |
31 | Study of globalization on Indian agriculture sector Pratibha Kumari Pages: 866-868 | 704 Views 99 Downloads Subject: Department of Commerce & Business Administration | Country: India | Department of Commerce & Business Administration | India |
32 | स्त्रियों के सम्बन्ध में कानून के द्वारा उठाये गये कदम तथा सामाजिक संस्थाओं की भूमिका मिहीर कुमार झा Pages: 869-871 | 693 Views 117 Downloads Subject: समाजशास्त्र | Country: India | समाजशास्त्र | India |
33 | भूदान आन्दोलन प्रणेता: आचार्य विनोबा भावे डाॅ. प्रतिमा कुमारी Pages: 872-873 | 701 Views 107 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
34 | Analysis of microstrip patch integrated with electromagnetic band gap (ebg) structure Kanhaiya Roy Pages: 874-877 | 649 Views 106 Downloads Subject: Physics | Country: India | Physics | India |
35 | प्राचीन राजस्थान में भक्ति का स्वरूप एवं विकास : एक ऐतिहासिक विश्लेषण डाॅ० मनोज कुमार Pages: 878-882 | 825 Views 191 Downloads Subject: इतिहास | Country: India | इतिहास | India |
36 | Social marginalization and their upliftment through entrepreneurship development Kisan Anna Shingare Pages: 883-886 | 833 Views 261 Downloads Subject: Social | Country: India | Social | India |
37 | Viability effect on gonads of C. stollii (Wolff.) by chemosterilant treatment Dr. Bed Prakash Roy Pages: 887-888 | 760 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Entomology | Country: India | Entomology | India |
38 | नाथद्वारा चित्रकला का स्वरूप डाॅ. युगलकिशोर शर्मा Pages: 889-890 | 942 Views 340 Downloads Subject: Painting | Country: India | Painting | India |
39 | Nutritional status of male university level Indian team game players Sarita Tyagi, Monika Wasuja and Anil K Vanaik Pages: 891-894 | 662 Views 107 Downloads Subject: Sports | Country: India | Sports | India |
40 | An empirical study of the impact of social media on youth with reference to Bengaluru Dr. Waseeha Firdose Pages: 895-900 | 825 Views 238 Downloads Subject: Business | Country: India | Business | India |