Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part A (2016)
Effectiveness of demonstration regarding assessment of temperature of newborn in terms of their skills among nursing students
Effectiveness of demonstration regarding assessment of temperature of newborn in terms of their skills among nursing students
Manjari Rana, Kuldeep Kaur and Eenu
AbstractHypothermia is an important determinant of the survival of newborns, especially among low-birth weight babies. Neonatal hypothermia is widely recognized as an important contributing factor for neonatal morbidity. The present study was aimed to asses the level of skills among nursing students regarding assessment of temperature of newborn before and after demonstration. Pre-experimental research design with One group pre-test post-test ’was used. Study was conducted in NICU and Postnatal ward of MMIMS & R, Hospital, Mullana, Ambala with Purposive sampling technique for selecting 100 B.SC Nursing students. The mean post-test skills score of nursing students in terms of skills regarding assessment of clinical temperature of newborn (3.27±.679) was higher than the mean pre-test skills score (1.21±.946) as evident from the calculated ‘t’ of17.102 which was found to be statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.
The mean post-test skills score regarding assessment of axillary temperature of newborn (6.62±1.632) was significantly higher than the mean pre-test skills score (2.93±1.208) as evident from the calculated ‘t’ of 21.435 which was found to be statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.
How to cite this article:
Manjari Rana, Kuldeep Kaur, Eenu. Effectiveness of demonstration regarding assessment of temperature of newborn in terms of their skills among nursing students. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):15-16.