AbstractBackground: Hypertension is an important public health challenge in both economically developing and developed countries. It is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular mortality.
Aim: to assess the prevalence of hypertension.
Setting and Design: The study was conducted in Pallepalem (coastal area) by using a descriptive design.
Materials and Methods: A total of 250 samples were included in this study. Statistical Analysis Used: The collected data was organized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics based on the objectives of the study.
Results: Out of 250 samples, With regard to the category of the blood pressure 106(42.4%) had stage-I hypertension, 19(7.6%) had stage-II hypertension, 3(1.2%) had stage-III hypertension, 57(22.8%) had grade-I isolated systolic hypertension, and 4(1.6%) had grade-II isolated systolic hypertension. Known Hypertensive cases are 105(45%), newly diagnosed cases are 84(33.6%). With regard to BMI, among 250 samples 21(8.4%) were overweight and 21(8.4%) were obese.
Conclusion: The above results shown that blood pressure values are high (known and newly diagnosed) in the Pallepalem.