Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part F (2016)
A study on customer satisfaction towards Hindu newspaper in Coimbatore city
A study on customer satisfaction towards Hindu newspaper in Coimbatore city
Dr. V Bhuvaneswari and G Sudha
Newspapers in the modern world played an important role in the exercise of freedom of expression. Newspaper is a publication that appears regularly and frequently. It carries news about a wide variety of current events. The newspaper publishes have an overall control by its business and news operations. Media in India, especially newspaper media, are undergoing significant changes in the current liberalized environment. The press is a private industry and a public service. No other force in public life operates so persistently and extensively in its range of appeal. Newspapers have a unique dimension of social responsibility, which means the newspaper industry is different from other industries. Hence a study on customer satisfaction towards Hindu newspaper has been taken up. And also the purpose is to know the customers opinion and factors influencing them to buy the Hindu newspaper. The data was collected from 100 respondents using questionnaire method. Simple percentage analysis has been used in the study. It was found from the study that the respondents are satisfied with the Hindu news paper because of the true news and also that news coverage is the main factor which influences the customers to buy the newspaper.
How to cite this article:
Dr. V Bhuvaneswari, G Sudha. A study on customer satisfaction towards Hindu newspaper in Coimbatore city. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):404-407.