Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part H (2016)
Effect of massage therapy on social skills among children with autism
Effect of massage therapy on social skills among children with autism
Nalini KJ and W Chitra
The effect of massage therapy on social skills among children with autism was studied in selected autism day care centres in Coimbatore. Quasi experimental pre-test post-test with control group design was adopted. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted to choose the participants. The population was divided into two strata based on age groups (4 – 9 years) and (10 – 14 years). In both strata equal number (7) participants randomly allocated to experimental and control group. Indian scale of assessment of autism to assess the severity of autism and modified Autism Social Skill Profile to assess social skill was used. Massage therapy was applied as an intervention to experimental group children in Autism day care centres for 20 minutes regularly for 25 days. Post assessment was done using modified Autism social skill profile to assess the social skills of the participants after the therapy. The result revealed that there was significant improvement in social skill among the children with autism after massage therapy. Thus, massage therapy can be implemented as an effective therapeutic intervention in improving social skill of children with autism.
How to cite this article:
Nalini KJ, W Chitra. Effect of massage therapy on social skills among children with autism. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):528-531.