Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part I (2016)
Some results on 3-Equitable prime cordial labeling of graphs
Some results on 3-Equitable prime cordial labeling of graphs
S Meena and A Archunan
A 3-equitable prime cordial labeling of a graph G with vertex set V is a bijection f from V to {1,2,3,…..|V|} such that if an edge uv is assigned the label 1 if gcd(f(u),f(v))=1 and gcd(f(u)+f(v),f(u)-f(v))=1 the label 2 and if gcd(f(u),f(v))=1 and gcd(f(u)+f(v),f(u)-f(v))=2 and 0 otherwise, then the number of edges labeled with i and the number of edges labeled with j differ by atmost 1 for 0≤i,j≤2, if a graph has a 3-equitable prime cordial labeling then it is called a 3-equitable prime cordial graph. In this paper, we investigate the 3-equitable prime cordial labeling behavior of cycle with three chords and a cycle.
How to cite this article:
S Meena, A Archunan. Some results on 3-Equitable prime cordial labeling of graphs. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):573-575.