Vol. 2, Issue 10, Part K (2016)
Issues and concerns about customer satisfaction through surveys
Issues and concerns about customer satisfaction through surveys
Customer satisfaction is important for the long action of any organization. Client satisfaction could be thought of supported client satisfaction surveys though client satisfaction surveys area unit extremely popular, the surveys aren't while not negative side within the study, each the profit and therefore the negative side of conducting surveys area unit examined. The method of identification of a number of the drawbacks is examined. The paper conjointly advises solutions for capture the negative side. Researchers, practitioners, and firm’s area unit prompt to be alert to the constraints of form survey whereas accomplished the surveys and interpret the results of the examination keeping the constraints in mind. The arguments bestowed and therefore the solutions prompt area unit accepted to assist researchers, practitioners, and firms whereas applying client satisfaction surveys for menstruation client satisfaction.
How to cite this article:
Vikrant. Issues and concerns about customer satisfaction through surveys. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(10):713-716.