Vol. 2, Issue 11, Part A (2016)
A study of anxiety of high school students
A study of anxiety of high school students
Dr. AC Lal Kumar
Anxiety as a normal phenomenon does not act as a drive or energizer to achieve or to perform. A moderate amount of anxiety energizes the individual and thereby improves performances but as a pathological phenomenon it impairs the capacity to think and act freely. The study aimed to assessment the anxiety of high school students. For the present investigation a sample of 200 high school students from the Vellore District are selected by the method of Random sampling technique. The data so collected was analyzed using mean, SD, t-test and F-test. The results reveal that respect to the gender, locality of school, type of management and medium of institution shows that there is no significant difference between the high school students towards anxiety and parental qualification shows there is significant difference towards anxiety.
How to cite this article:
Dr. AC Lal Kumar. A study of anxiety of high school students. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(11):36-38.