Vol. 2, Issue 11, Part H (2016)
Use of Smart phone in classroom transaction
Use of Smart phone in classroom transaction
Sudipta Deb Roy
AbstractUse of Smart phone in teaching –learning process makes its classroom without the boundaries. Now teaching –learning is not confined within the four walls of classroom; it enables the students to learn anytime from anywhere. It would gradually help to shift the focus from teaching to self learning process. It enhances collaborative learning also. Use of Smart phone in classroom transaction removes the monotonousness of traditional classroom learning and makes classroom transaction more interactive.
This article discusses all the aspects of use of smart phone in classroom transaction. The main thrust area of this article is, how Smartphone can be used in teaching learning process for making classroom transaction more effective. This article also recommends some suggestive measures for effective use smart phone in classroom transaction.
How to cite this article:
Sudipta Deb Roy. Use of Smart phone in classroom transaction. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(11):513-515.