Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part C (2016)
Educational implication of blogging as an effective tool of teaching and learning
Educational implication of blogging as an effective tool of teaching and learning
Dr. Ranjit Kaur and Indu Bala
In the modern era, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming an important part of education. ICT is not only a medium of teaching and learning, but also a helpful tool for making assignment, data collection, communication and conducting research. ICT provides an pleasant environment for both the teacher and the learner. The use of different technologies of information and communication has been attracting the attention of teachers & researchers in recent years. Today we are using different modes of e-learning in researches, academics or in many other fields. Teaching and learning through blogging is also a new way of technology. Web-logs (blogs) represent a considerable and inexpensive medium to complement & popularize education efficiency to a large & specific public. This paper describes an investigation on the effectiveness of blogs in teaching & learning process. For this purpose investigator had used self made questionnaire and the result on the basis of interpretation shows that blogging effects both teaching & learning.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ranjit Kaur, Indu Bala. Educational implication of blogging as an effective tool of teaching and learning. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):160-163.