Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part F (2016)
Occupational stress: Stimulation, consequences and coping strategies
Occupational stress: Stimulation, consequences and coping strategies
Gunjan Bajaj
Stress is a universal element and persons from nearly every walk of life have experienced it. It is an adaptive response to an external situation that results in physical, psychological or behavioral deviations in individual’s nature. Stress can manifest itself in both positive and a negative way. Level of work stress in any organization can contribute a lot in increasing/decreasing the job satisfaction level of the employees. Proper stress management can definitely improves the efficiency and effectiveness of work performance. In the present scenario, employees are experiencing stress due to the rapid and dynamic growth of globalization and vocationalization. Keeping this as a base the current paper focuses on the conceptual aspects of work stress, reasons underlying and strategies to combat it for the betterment of individual and the organization.
How to cite this article:
Gunjan Bajaj. Occupational stress: Stimulation, consequences and coping strategies. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):407-410.