Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part G (2016)
A relationship of selected anthropometric measurement and general motor ability to performance in volleyball playing ability
A relationship of selected anthropometric measurement and general motor ability to performance in volleyball playing ability
Praveen Kumar Mishra
The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship of selected anthropometric measurement and General Motor Ability to Volleyball playing ability. There would be significant relationship of selected Anthropometric measurement and Motor ability to the performance of Volleyball players. Twenty Female Volleyball players who represented in Inter State Volleyball competition held at Gandhinagar (Gujarat) were selected as subjects for this study. Tests were administered to the subjects immediately after the tournament was over. According to the eligibility records, their (ages ranged from 18 to 25 years. All the subjects involved in this study were physically fit for tests to be administered to them. This was a statistical study for the relationship of two variable, Anthropometric measurement and motor ability components to performance of Volleyball players, related to criterion measure. weight and calf girth of the players did not correlate with performance as the coefficient of correlation of weight and calf girth with playing ability performance was 0.174 and 0.021 respectively, whereas height, arm length, leg length, thigh length, foreleg length of an individual correlated quite satisfactorily with performance in Volleyball playing ability as their coefficient of correlation were 0.718, 0.638, 0.881, 0.683 and 0.787 respectively. Significant correlation with selected motor ability components i.e. speed (0.715; agility (0.597) and Eye-hand coordination (0.685). Within the limitations identified and on the basis of the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. The speed, agility, Eye-hand coordination, height, arm length, leg length, thigh length and foreleg length were significantly correlated with Volleyball playing ability performance. The anthropometric measurements i.e. weight and calf girth was not significantly related to Volleyball playing ability performance.
How to cite this article:
Praveen Kumar Mishra. A relationship of selected anthropometric measurement and general motor ability to performance in volleyball playing ability. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):445-447.