Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part G (2016)
A quality of work life study on unorganized construction worker in Andhra Pradesh
A quality of work life study on unorganized construction worker in Andhra Pradesh
Suryanarayana and Krishna Mouli
The human are social beings, when living in a social environment work life and personal life are important components of the life. The average time a person spending time in work pace is about 8 hours per day, whenever a person spends more time in workplace the working environment stress and pressure effect the performance of a person. The majority of research work done in quality of work life is related to organisations were the employee are pampered with perks and benefits, the unorganized sector is privies of the society. The unorganized sector personal doesn’t have luxury that is been provided by an organized sector, the current work tries to expose the working condition of construction worker in unorganized sector. The construction workers are classified according their work nature Mason, Painter and helpers, the data is collected from the field with help of questionnaire. The helper are exposed to more physical efforts than any of the workers with most of them are females, the working condition are not adequate as basic necessities like clean drinking water are not provided.
How to cite this article:
Suryanarayana, Krishna Mouli. A quality of work life study on unorganized construction worker in Andhra Pradesh. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):448-451.