Vol. 2, Issue 12, Part I (2016)
Status study on quality frequency of use and level of satisfaction among students regarding sports equipments and facilities in private schools of Delhi
Status study on quality frequency of use and level of satisfaction among students regarding sports equipments and facilities in private schools of Delhi
Suraj Singh Pawar
The aim of this paper was to study status of level of quality, frequency of use and level of satisfaction among students regarding sports equipments and facilities in private schools of Delhi. Data collection was done from various private schools of Delhi and analyzed. A total of 280 students of 28 private schools of Delhi were taken as subjects for the study. Descriptive method was used to analyze the data. Study revealed that level of quality of sports infrastructure in private schools of Delhi needs to be improved a little bit as it was still not up to the mark according to students studying there. As frequency of use of sports equipments and facilities in private schools of Delhi was average may be due to more number of students or less duration of class students were not very much satisfied with the sports facilities and equipments provided to them. The analysis of the data was represented in tabular form because it was easy with the help of a table to evaluate the Status of sports infrastructures in private schools of Delhi.
How to cite this article:
Suraj Singh Pawar. Status study on quality frequency of use and level of satisfaction among students regarding sports equipments and facilities in private schools of Delhi. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(12):600-603.