Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part B (2016)
A layered mobile bandwidth allocation agreement based on bandwidth effectiveness and user requirement
A layered mobile bandwidth allocation agreement based on bandwidth effectiveness and user requirement
A Mobile architecture provides a model to distribute the Bandwidths to clients. The presented work is the improvement to this distribution architecture in case of public Mobile. The improvement is here performed at both the server as well client end. The work is divided in three main stages. First stage is specific to the server, in which all the available Mobiles are divided in a hierarchal order. A high level parametric division is performed to categorize all the related Mobiles. The client search will be performed on segmented group instead of all Mobiles. The second stage is client specific, in which client requests are maintained in a queue and an effective scheduling mechanism is implemented to select the best client to be processed. The third stage is the integration stage called allotment of Bandwidth. In which a parametric check is performed relative to efficiency and accuracy to select the best Mobile Bandwidth from segmented group to the client. The presented architecture will reduce the load from both the client side as well as server side, and will perform the efficient and reliable Mobile Bandwidth allocation.
How to cite this article:
Parveen. A layered mobile bandwidth allocation agreement based on bandwidth effectiveness and user requirement. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):105-108.