Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part K (2016)
An enhanced approach to secure manet against black hole attack
An enhanced approach to secure manet against black hole attack
Yogita Sangwan and Dr. Binod
resulting in dynamic topology without any centralized control. As a result of this continuous mobility of nodes, interruptions in the ongoing communication are very common. Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) security is the key challenge because of its special features e.g. node to node communication, dynamic topology, and open network boundary. It has made it very difficult to control the attacker from disturbing the functions of network. One of the major attack faced by MANET is black hole attack which violates the integrity, confidentiality and functioning of the network by degrading its performance. This attack is very much common in case of AODV protocol which is a reactive (on demand) protocol. This paper explains an improved solution for default AODV protocol which in turn improves security as well as integrity against black hole attack. We have also compared the performances of black hole effected AODV, our proposed AODV and default AODV on the basis of various performance metrics. The metrics analyzed are system throughput, no. of packets send, received and dropped, packet delivery ratio and average end-to-end delay.
How to cite this article:
Yogita Sangwan, Dr. Binod. An enhanced approach to secure manet against black hole attack. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(2):712-718.