Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part A (2016)
Academic achievement in relation to their anxiety and depression among high school
Academic achievement in relation to their anxiety and depression among high school
K Suresh Kumar
The study was conducted to find out the Anxiety and Depression among high school students. The sample consist of 200 hundred high school students randomly selected from the various schools from walaja taluk in Vellore district of Tamilnadu. The sample was subjected to survey method and their anxiety and depression was checked using standardized Anxiety and Depression scale (consist of 40 items) the data was collected and analyzed statically using appropriate statistical techniques. The result revealed that there is no significant mean difference in the Anxiety and Depression among high school students in Vellore district.
How to cite this article:
K Suresh Kumar. Academic achievement in relation to their anxiety and depression among high school. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(3):25-27.