Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part G (2016)
Power and running velocity response to the influence of sprint training on football players
Power and running velocity response to the influence of sprint training on football players
RG Giridharaprasath, Dr. K Murugavel
This study investigated the power and running velocity response to the influence of sprint training on football players. To achieve the purpose of the study 30 inter-collegiate male football players were selected from affiliated colleges of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. The subjects was randomly assigned to two equal groups (n=15). Group - I underwent sprint training (STG) and group - II was acted as control group (CG). The sprint training was given to the experimental group for 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for the period of twelve weeks. The control group was not given any sort of training except their routine work. Power (standing broad jump) and running velocity (sprint or speed tests) were measured. Before and after training period the data collected from the subjects was statistically analyzed with‘t’ rest to find out significant improvement if any at 0.05 level of confidence. The result of the power and running velocity speculated significant improvement due to influence of sprint training with the limitations of (diet, climate, life style) status and previous training. The result of the present study coincide findings of the investigation done by different experts in the field of sports sciences. Influence of sprint training significantly improved power and running velocity of inter-collegiate male football players.
How to cite this article:
RG Giridharaprasath, Dr. K Murugavel . Power and running velocity response to the influence of sprint training on football players. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(3):430-432.