Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part M (2016)
Isolation and characterization of oral microflora from Triclosan-free and Triclosan–containing toothpaste users
Isolation and characterization of oral microflora from Triclosan-free and Triclosan–containing toothpaste users
Samandeep Kaur and Dr. Sukhraj Kaur
The mouth harbors a diverse abundant and complex microbial community. This highly diverse microflora inhabits various surfaces of normal mouth. Bacteria accumulate on both the hard and soft oral tissues in Biofilms. Bacteria occupy the ecological niche provided by both tooth surface and gingival epithelium. Oral bacteria include Streptococci, Staphylococci, Pediococci and Enterococci etc. Triclosan is organic compound which is antibacterial and antifungal agent present in some toothpaste which change the microflora. Saliva was sampled from Triclosan free and Triclosan containing toothpaste users. Different Medias used for isolation of microbes from samples and for characterization various physical and biochemical tests performed. From collected samples various diplococci, rod shaped and cocci shaped bacteria colonies isolated. Further characterization shows that these bacterial colonies belong to Pediococci, Leuconostoc, Enterococci and Streptococci. But its number is different in Triclosan using toothpaste user’s samples and Triclosan free toothpaste user’s samples. Percentage of Streptococci and Enterococci bacteria is more in Triclosan containing tooth paste user’s samples and number of Pediococci and Leuconostoc are more in Triclosan free tooth paste user’s samples.
How to cite this article:
Samandeep Kaur, Dr. Sukhraj Kaur. Isolation and characterization of oral microflora from Triclosan-free and Triclosan–containing toothpaste users. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(3):778-783.