ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Introduction: Fracture of the penis is not a rare condition, as the sporadic reports of penile fracture give the impression of rare trauma. Penile fracture is rupture of one or both of the tunica albuginea, the fibrous coverings that envelop the penile corpora cavernosa, with a resultant corporal defect caused by trauma to the erect penis. In our study, we analysed different aspects of penile fractures, including different modes of occurrence and presentation. Our study also addressed the management and outcomes of penile fracture, with special reference to the preservation of sexual function.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective observational study extending from January 2015 to December 2015, All patients admitted for blunt trauma to the erect penis were included in the study. During this period, 4 cases of penile fracture were treated in our institute. Each patient underwent a thorough clinical evaluation and received proper treatment. Penile fracture was mainly diagnosed on clinical grounds, based on a proper history and clinical examination. All the patients were managed by surgical exploration. Circumcoronal incision followed by degloving was done. Evacuation of the haematoma and repair of the tunical tear with absorbable sutures was done. All patients were catheterised before exploration. Minimum follow up was for 3 months. All patients were locally examined for wound-related complication, penile deviation, fibrotic scarring, skin necrosis or other related complications. Patients' sexual function was also evaluated. Both married and unmarried patients with a partner were evaluated.
Results: We treated all patients surgically. Mean age of presentation was 35.25 years. Vaginal intercourse was most common mode of injury. Patients presented in a mean time of 7 hours. Tunical defect was palpable clinically in two cases. Intra-operatively 3 patients had unilateral injury and one had bilateral injury. Right side was more commonly involved and mid-shaft was the most common site. There was one iatrogenic urethral injury. 3 patients had catheter removal after 48 hours and in one patient after 7 days. Post-operatively, one patient had mild wound infection and one had distal skin necrosis. All patients were followed at 2 weeks, one month and 3 months. At 3 months, only one patient had mild erectile dysfunction.
Conclusion: Penile fracture is a urological emergency, should be managed promptly. Diagnosis is usually clinical and surgery is the treatment of choice.