Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part J (2016)
Water Sources and Water Accessibility in India: A Study
Water Sources and Water Accessibility in India: A Study
Dr. S Saravanan
Water is indispensable to sustain life because it is a crucial factors not only human beings but also all other living beings. Water is also needed for various other industrial and commercial activities. Water is also unavoidable for overall economic development of the human society. Due to rapid rise in population and growing economy of the country, there will be continuous increase in demand for water, and it will become scarce in the coming decade. The water demand in the year 2000 was 634 km3 and it is likely to be 1093 km3 by the year 2025. The availability and access of water is the question because of inter-state dispute and over-exploiting groundwater. Hence, in this paper analyze with respect to the sources and accessibility of water in India.
How to cite this article:
Dr. S Saravanan. Water Sources and Water Accessibility in India: A Study. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(4):626-628.