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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 2, Issue 4, Part L (2016)

Conservation strategies of biodiversity in Maharashtra, India

Conservation strategies of biodiversity in Maharashtra, India

Dr. Shelar SK, Dr. Madhuri SK

The world Bio-diversity is made up of two words Bio—Life. Diversity-Variation. Bio-diversity is the diversity of life on earth and it is not distributed uniformly across the globe. India is one of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world (First is the Brazil) due to the tropical & subtropical location varied physical features, topography & climate. The term bio-diversity includes three different but closely related aspects namely I) Genetic diversity II) Species diversity & III) Economic diversity The Government of Maharashtra has established the State Biodiversity Board for the conservation and regulation of biological resources in the state. Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board, Nagpur has been established according to the notification issued by Revenue and Forest Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai on 02 January 2012. The rules for the Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board have been constituted by the Government of Maharashtra dated 10th December 2008.
Our country India is located in south Asia between Latitudes 8-37 N and 68-97 E and 3.29 million hectares is quite rich in bio-diversity with high percentage of endemic flora & fauna Western Ghats have tropical climate the hot desert of Rajasthan, the cold desert of Ladakh and beautiful high icy mountains peaks of peaks of Himalayas to the warmer coastal sites of peninsular India. India has over 1,15000 species of plants & animals. Bio-diversity has great importance for satisfy the need of mankind e.g. food, Clothing & Shelter provides ecological services, provides valuable genetic resource for mankind but now a day’s Bio-diversity become loss because Destruction of forests, overexploitation of bio-resources over grazing, shifting cultivation, Urbanization, Industrialization, Illegal trade, Soil degradation and erosion, Diminishing green cover, Mining for ores, roads, river valley projects etc. So the meaningful programmed on forestry based on science & technology. There are several strategic which are adapted for conservation of Bio-diversity like Legislation, In-Situ conservation, Ex-Situ conservation Recording Indigenous Knowledge, Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation, International Conservation Strategies. Therefore we need have conservation of biodiversity due to Protection of water resources, Soil formation and Protection, Pollution breakdown and absorption, Climatic stability, Maintenance of resources, Food, Medicine, Population Reservoirs, Horticulture and wood requirements, Social benefits, Recreation this is benefits of conservation of Biodiversity.

Pages: 713-716  |  3623 Views  2074 Downloads

International Journal of Applied Research
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shelar SK, Dr. Madhuri SK. Conservation strategies of biodiversity in Maharashtra, India. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(4):713-716.
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