Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part C (2016)
Evaluation of morphometric traits of adult and their longevity of selected multivoltine and bivoltine breeds of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Evaluation of morphometric traits of adult and their longevity of selected multivoltine and bivoltine breeds of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Ramya MN, Jagadeesh Kumar TS
The present investigation has been made for the comparative evaluation of adult morphometric traits viz., weight, length and breadth by utilizing two bivoltines (CSR2 and NB4D2) and two multivoltines (PM and C.nichi) of mated and unmated male and female moth stage regularly after the emergence day to day changes were recorded with aging parameters and are subjected to the analysis of variance through standard statistical procedure utilizing opstat software package. The highest gravimetric weight of the female virgin moth of CSR2 breed revealed 1.122±0.074g on the first day of emergence and the lowest weight of male mated moth of C.nichi represented 0.105±0.035g on 8th day, PM is multivoltine race showed with 0.103±0.052g on 9th day and NB4D2 on tenth day showed 0.118±0.006g. Among these two breeds, the magnificent distinct changes in the weight of silkmoth. On the other hand, the length and breadth of the virgin and crossed moth in the bivoltine and multivoltine silkworm breeds exhibits concurrent manifestation only in the virgin female moth and concurrently least in their length and breadth were maintained in the mated male in C. nichi with appropriate statistical analysis (F-test, SE (m), SE (D), CD at 5% and CV%). The different aboriginal silkworm were subjected to understand the fundamental features of aging and progressive development during the course of aging with the selected morphometric traits related to aging were discussed among the two bivoltine and multivoltine race/breeds of the silkworm.
How to cite this article:
Ramya MN, Jagadeesh Kumar TS. Evaluation of morphometric traits of adult and their longevity of selected multivoltine and bivoltine breeds of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):160-167.