Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part G (2016)
Mother of 1084 by Mahasweta Devi: A search for real home
Mother of 1084 by Mahasweta Devi: A search for real home
P Shahanaz
AbstractHome is the place, where human being is provided with the life of satisfaction and tranquility. There are some people who dream to see the society, nation, country to be the home. A concept in the Indian culture, ‘Vasudyka Kutumbam’ which means ‘whole universe is one family’ is the perception and the vision of some of great beings on Earth. These human beings, who are the embodiment of virtues, go the extent of sacrificing their life for ideology of the betterment of the world. Noble souls carry noble goals. They strived to see the house and society to be like home.
The play Mother of 1084 of Mahasweta Devi has Sujata and Brati to be the main characters, who are extremely dissatisfied with the prevalent conditions of the home and the society, and in striving to establish the egalitarian society that is free from greed, injustice, horrors of suppression and exploitation, they have become martyrs. The quest for the establishment of the real home has provided an aspiration for them to live die.
How to cite this article:
P Shahanaz. Mother of 1084 by Mahasweta Devi: A search for real home. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):419-423.