Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part H (2016)
Effectiveness of art therapy on behavior among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in selected school at Chennai
Effectiveness of art therapy on behavior among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in selected school at Chennai
Sathik Ali A
AbstractBackground of the Study: Many learning disabled children’s have difficulty in attending to their school work and they frequently exhibit hyperactive behaviors which are then considered as a difficult task of managing by the respective parent and the teacher.
Objectives: To assess the pre and post-test level of art therapy on behavior among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in experimental group. Evaluate the effectiveness of art therapy on behaviour among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To associate the level of behavior with the selected demographic variables among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Hypothesis: There will be a significant difference in the level of behavior among the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, who have undergone the art therapy than those who did not. There will be a significant association between the levels of behaviour with selected demographic variables of experimental group in pre and post- test.
Methodology: Pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was selected for this study. Purposive sampling technique was used for the study.
Final Result and Conclusion: In the pre test that among 30 samples 2(6.7%) of them had mild level of behavior change, 15(50%) had moderate level of behavior changes and 13(43.3%) of them had severe level of behavior change in the pre test. among 30 samples 7(23.3%) had mild behavior change and 18(60%) had moderate behavior change and 5(16.7) had severe in behavior change in the post test. The mean score was 34.13 and standard Deviation was 6.27 in pre test for level of behavior among ADHD children. And the mean score was 26.7 and standard Deviation was 7.17 in post test, which is lower than the pre-test mean score and standard deviation and indicates that art therapy is effective on behavior. The paired “t†test value was 7.4 which is statistically significant at the level of P<(0.05)
How to cite this article:
Sathik Ali A. Effectiveness of art therapy on behavior among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in selected school at Chennai. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):495-496.