Vol. 2, Issue 5, Part J (2016)
Performance of rural industries in Nellore District
Performance of rural industries in Nellore District
Dr. N Guravaiah
Rural industries play a pivotal role in the development of India. It contributes almost 40 per cent of the gross industrial value added in the Indian economy. By less capital intensive and high labour absorption nature, SSI sector has made considerable contribution to employment generation and also rural industrialization. Under the changing economic scenario, rural industrial sector has to face number of diverse problems like vast population, large scale un-employment and underemployment and scarcity of capital resources and the like. Hence, the government has been providing some special facilities through different policies and programmes to overcome the problems and for the growth and development of rural industries. The efforts of the government have resulted in the phenomenal increase in the number of units in the rural industrial sector. The government also introduced various schemes and incentives for the promotion of rural industrial sector. Over the past the sector has been highly vibrant and dynamic. It has acquired a prominent place in the socio-economic development of the country. Mostly this sector exhibited positive growth trends even during periods when other sectors of the economy experienced either negative or nominal growth. It is a well-recognized fact that a vibrant small-scale sector holds the key to economic prosperity in an economy like India. However, rural industrial sector has been facing multiple problems, which make them uncompetitive and sick etc., in such a context, the paper attempts to highlight the importance of rural industrial sector in Indian economy.
How to cite this article:
Dr. N Guravaiah. Performance of rural industries in Nellore District. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(5):631-635.