ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Information Communication Technologies are the power that has changed many aspects of the lives. The impact of the ICT on each sector of the life across the past two-three decades has been enormous. The way these fields act today is different as compare to their pasts. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has basically changed all forms of endeavour within business, governance and off-course education. ICT has begun to have a presence but unfortunately we are lacking to achieve desired impact. The education is a socially oriented activity. It plays vital role in building the society. The quality education traditionally is associated with strong teachers having high degrees. Using ICTs in education it moved to more student – centered learning. As world is moving rapidly towards digital information, the role of ICTs in education becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in 21st century.
This paper highlights various impacts of ICT on contemporary Business education and also discusses potential future developments. The paper argues the role of ICT in transforming teacher-centered learning to competency based learning. It also explores some challenges in higher education like cognitive tutors, need for developing a model, collaborative authoring etc.