AbstractIntroduction: Giving medicine is probably one of the most critical duties of nurses since the resulting errors may have unintended, serious consequences for the patient. Many diseases like Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, and HIV/AIDS and up to some extent other blood borne diseases are transmitted by parenteral route also. People receiving and providing healthcare services are at increased risk of iatrogenic infections as more injectable drugs are being prescribed and in addition they are delivered by unsafe injectable practices.
Aims and Objectives: To observe the prevalent injection practice and to get information about knowledge and awareness among health workers regarding safe injection practice.
Material and Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study, including 10 healthcare providers to assess their knowledge and awareness about safe injection practice was conducted at injection room in tertiary care hospital. Questionnaire was prepared from WHO and other checklists and observations were taken accordingly. Data was analysed by using Microsoft Excel 2010, manual analysis was also done for some data. Results were expressed in percentage and were compared with various checklists.
Results: Reading of label was done prior to preparation of injection in 100%. Around 99.03% of total injections were prepared in clean are using aseptic technique. Two handed recapping of needle was done in only 9.35% of total injections. Multi-dose vials were kept in centralised medication area and were discarded as per schedule. Healthcare providers followed proper technique while administering drugs by intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal and intravenous route. Healthcare providers were immunised against hepatitis-B infection.
Conclusion: The study result showed that the knowledge of healthcare providers about safe injection practice is nearly up to mark. More emphasis should be put into the basic nursing education and in the introduction to medication procedures in clinical practice to improve the nurses' medication knowledge and reduce the risk of error.