Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part A (2016)
Relationship of Leg Length Foot Length and Leg Strength on Young Male
Relationship of Leg Length Foot Length and Leg Strength on Young Male
Proloy Karmokar and Jayanta Kumar Khatua
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of leg length, foot length and leg strength on young male. Thirty (N=30) young male subjects were randomly selected from the Purba Medinipur district of west Bengal. The ages ranged of the subjects were 21-25 years. In this study leg length was measured by anthropometric rod in centimeters, foot length was measured by freeman tape in centimeter and leg strength was measured by standing broad jump in centimeter. Collected data on leg length and leg strength were statistically treated through calculation of mean, S.D. and coefficient correlation for interpretation, analysis and discussion. Level of significance was chosen at 0.05% level of confidence. For statistical calculation SPSS software 19.0 version was used. The result of the present study revealed no significance relationship in leg length, foot length and leg strength on young male.
How to cite this article:
Proloy Karmokar, Jayanta Kumar Khatua. Relationship of Leg Length Foot Length and Leg Strength on Young Male. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):39-40.