Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part D (2016)
Impact of corporate governance on Indian securities markets– An analytical study of mid-cap firms
Impact of corporate governance on Indian securities markets– An analytical study of mid-cap firms
Palash Garani, Dr. D Ghose
After a wide range of development of different laws, circulars, rules, regulations in the Indian corporate world, at present the consciousness on corporate governance are increasing in a high pace. A giant portion of national income, employment opportunities, foreign investment, etc. depends on the India securities markets. A company can gain a large portion of funds from these markets. Most of the investors always follow the annual reports before purchasing any company’s security. So it is necessary to publish healthy annual reports in an appropriate Corporate Governance (CG) regime. This paper highlighted a low range of positive impact of CG in Indian securities markets on the basis of mid-cap companies in India.
How to cite this article:
Palash Garani, Dr. D Ghose. Impact of corporate governance on Indian securities markets– An analytical study of mid-cap firms. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):231-234.