Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part N (2016)
Basics of Immunohistochemical procedure
Basics of Immunohistochemical procedure
Dr. Anjali Shujalpurkar and Dr. Ashok Vikey
The field of diagnostics has emerged with some varied new techniques in recent past enabling pathologists to reach to a more conclusive diagnosis. One such technique is immunohistochemistry which in recent past has gained a lot of importance. Although histopathology has long been considered to be gold standard in diagnosis but immunohistochemistry has further facilitated pathologists to decipher the cell lineage as well. Hereby we discuss immunohistochemistry especially the procedure and principle of each step of procedure.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anjali Shujalpurkar, Dr. Ashok Vikey. Basics of Immunohistochemical procedure. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):883-886.