Vol. 2, Issue 6, Part N (2016)
Evolution of technology acceptance in education
Evolution of technology acceptance in education
Chasul and Virendra Singh Nirban
In the era of digital humanities the use of technology in every field of life is ubiquitous. Today, people have become so technology oriented that completion of any task without the use of technology seems impossible. Its use can be seen in each and every field of our daily life either it is business, infantry, medical or education. So, there are always various factors contributing to the use any technology in our everyday life. There are some factors which motivate us to use a particular technology and there are some factors which decide that whether we are going to use that technology in future. So the investigation of these factors is as important as the usage itself is. By digging deep into investigating these factors lead us to the improvement of those tools which are not used or left after using once or twice. This paper presents a review of research conducted in last few decades. The paper also focuses on the various models of technology acceptance developed over the last few decades.
How to cite this article:
Chasul, Virendra Singh Nirban. Evolution of technology acceptance in education. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(6):893-895.