AbstractBackground: Body-mass-index (BMI) is widely accepted as an indicator of nutritional status in adults. Mid-upper-arm-circumference (MUAC) is another anthropometric-measure. The present study attempted to evaluate the correlation between BMI and MUAC.
Aim: To assess Nourishment Using Body Mass Index and Mid Upper Arm Circumference in Apparently Healthy Population and its Correlation.
Setting and Design: The study was conducted in rural and urban areas of Nellore by using a descriptive design.
Materials and Methods: A total of 1527 samples were included in this study. Among this, 1232 samples belongs to rural area and 292 samples belongs to urban area by using convenience sampling technique.
Statistical Analysis Used: The collected data was organized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive data like mean, standard deviation, actual numbers and percentages. Chi-square test, ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test was used appropriately. A p value less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results: Shows that with regard to nutritional status assesed by mid upper arm circumference versus urban and rural areas in rural areas out of 1235 adults 378(95.94%) are malnourished, 857(75.64%) are normal and in urban areas out of 292 adults 16(4,06%) are malnourished and 276(24.36%) are normal. The correlation between mid upper arm circumference and body mass index value is 1. It shows a Perfect positive correlation between MUAC and BMI.
Conclusion: The results show a strong correlation between BMI and MUAC. This finding lays the ground for the suitability of MUAC as an indicator of nutritional status in adult.