Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part E (2016)
A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents of peoples public school, Bhopal
A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents of peoples public school, Bhopal
Pragati Srivastav and Rajani Karsayal
India is the second most populous and substance producer in the world. WHO statistics (2000) show that India is high up in the list of danger countries because of population growth and high birth rate. The extent of worldwide psychoactive substance abuse is estimated at 2 billion alcohol users, 1.3 billion smokers and 185 million illicit substance users. In an initial estimate of factors responsible for the global burden of diseases, tobacco, alcohol and illicit substance together contributed 12.4% of all deaths worldwide in the year 2000. The present Study aimed to assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Ill Effects of Substance Abuse among Adolescents of Peoples Public School, Bhopal. The Study was pre-experimental and one group pre-test post-test design was adopted in the study. After obtaining Permission the final study was conducted.Non-probability sampling technique was used for selecting the sample size of 60 students. Firstly the demographic tool was administered to the students for collecting baseline data, after that knowledge questionnaire was administered to assess the knowledge regarding ill effects of substance abuse. After assessment the intervention was given in the form of video assisted learning to enhance their knowledge and post -test was done. The result shows that Post-test knowledge score range (20-28) was significantly higher than their pre-test knowledge scores range (10-18). The mean post-test knowledge scores (= 25.53) were higher than their mean pre-test knowledge score (= 14.37).
How to cite this article:
Pragati Srivastav, Rajani Karsayal. A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents of peoples public school, Bhopal. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):329-331.