Vol. 2, Issue 7, Part K (2016)
A study to assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among nursing students in Narayana nursing institutions, Nellore, A.P.
A study to assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among nursing students in Narayana nursing institutions, Nellore, A.P.
K Usharani, Bineesha Binoy, Dr. Indira S, Latha A and Tejaswi
AbstractOrgan donation is the donation of biological tissue or an organ of the human body from a living or dead person to a living recipient in need of transplantation. Organ donation is a gift of an individual to help someone who needs a transplant organ. The transplantation of human organs from one into another is a major miracle of modern medicine.
Objective: To assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among nursing students.
Methods and Materials: Qualitative research approach with descriptive research design was adopted and 100 samples were selected by using convenient sampling technique and assessed knowledge levels of nursing students by using structured questionnaire and data was analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The study concluded that majority of student nurses have moderately adequate knowledge regarding organ donation.
How to cite this article:
K Usharani, Bineesha Binoy, Dr. Indira S, Latha A, Tejaswi. A study to assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among nursing students in Narayana nursing institutions, Nellore, A.P.. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(7):710-712.