Vol. 2, Issue 8, Part A (2016)
Effectiveness of child cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training programme in terms of practice and practice retention among nursing students
Effectiveness of child cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training programme in terms of practice and practice retention among nursing students
Archa Biju, Yogesh Kumar and Dr. Jyoti Sarin
AbstractBackground: Cardiopulmonary failure is combination of respiratory failure and shock immediate resuscitation is necessary in order to achieve conscious survival for persons who have lost airway or pulses. Applying resuscitation procedure correctly is very important in saving the life of the individual.
Objectives: To assess practice regarding CPR of nursing students before and after administration of CPR training programme
Methods: A Quantitative research approach with time series design was used. 72 B.Sc. Nursing students were selected as a sample in the study using consecutive sampling technique. Observation Checklist for Evaluating Nursing Student’s Practice through OSCE for CPR was used. The training programme regarding CPR was prepared by researcher which was confined to child CPR as per AHA 2010 guidelines. The Nursing Students were divided into six groups consisting twelve students per group. The pre-test was conducted followed by BLS training programme and the post assessment-I was assessed immediately after the completion of training programme. And on 28th day, each group had undergone post assessment- II knowledge.
Results: Findings of the study indicate that training programme was effective in enhancing the practice as the findings indicate that the mean of the post-test-I practice score (9.03) was higher by pre-test knowledge score which was (1.25). There was poor retention of CPR practice among nursing students as there was a decrease in the than post-test-II practice score (6.06) than the post test-I practice score (9.03).
Conclusion: CPR training programme was effective in enhancing the practice of Nursing Students regarding CPR and there was poor retention of CPR practice among nursing students.
How to cite this article:
Archa Biju, Yogesh Kumar, Dr. Jyoti Sarin. Effectiveness of child cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training programme in terms of practice and practice retention among nursing students. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(8):16-18.