AbstractIntroduction: Elderliness is a qualitatively different experience for each subject. It is preponderantly good for some,’ an autumn with deep bright tonalities’ and a bad experience for others. Between these two extremes of good and bad quality, there is probably a continuum. Erikson has referred to the two extreme poles, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, as respectively the pole of ‘integration’ and of ‘despair’. explaining these Erikson’s concepts, Kimmell et al. summed up in the following way these two possibilities of emotional positioning of the elder facing the old age : “if the elderly subject manages to build a secure sense of the ego and a perception of his/her legacy, be it through the children or the work, he/she maintain an ego integrity, whereas the incapability to provide for a solution for this conflict results simultaneously in disappointment with his/her own self (with the subject proper) and, therefore, despair’
Objective: To assess and compare quality of life among elderly population residing in selected old age homes and community.
Methods: Total sample of the study was 200 (100 from selected old age home and 100 from selected community). Modified older peoples quality of life questionnaire was used to assess quality of life among elderly population residing in selected old age homes and community.
Results: That most of the (98%) of elderly population had fair quality of life living in selected old age homes whereas, all of the (100%) of elderly population had fair quality of life living in community area. mean score and standard deviation of quality of life of elderly population living in community was higher (105 + 4.901) than the mean score and standard deviation of quality of life of elderly population living in selected old age homes (100 +8.478). The computed ‘t ‘ value (tab) = 1.98, indicates that there was significant difference between the quality of life score of elderly population living in selected old age homes and community. Thus, it was established that the difference obtained in the mean quality of life score of elderly population living in selected old age homes and community was true difference and not by chance.
Conclusion: The Elderly population living in old age home and community both had fair quality of life.