Vol. 2, Issue 8, Part J (2016)
Thiopentone the most effective drug in status epilepticus
Thiopentone the most effective drug in status epilepticus
Dr. Ismail J Namazi, Dr. Archita Patil and Dr. Anuradha Deotale
Background- Intractable status epilepticus not responding to conventional pharmacotherapy is a medical emergency. Deeper suppression of cortical activity, documented electrocerebral silence and titrable length of time during which such electrocerebral silence can be maintained made thiopentone the ideal drug for initial management of status epilepticus. A long lasting anti epileptic drug regimen can be established during thiopentone induced burst suppression; which then can be tapered and discontinued with minimal chances of recurrence. We report a case of viral encephalitis in coma with status epilepticus who was also a known case of Duchene muscular dystrophy. He was also on ventilatory support. When all other antiepileptic drugs were ineffective, Thiopentone sodium infusion was started and the seizures were controlled. Thiopentone sodium is the oldest drug yet it is the most effective treatment in status epilepticus in ICU setting with mechanical ventilation. It reduces the relapse rate and avoids long term morbidity and mortality with life threatening emergency. We were successfully able to manage this case with thiopentone infusion.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Ismail J Namazi, Dr. Archita Patil, Dr. Anuradha Deotale. Thiopentone the most effective drug in status epilepticus. Int J Appl Res 2016;2(8):631-632.